

With circular breathing, you relive the birth path to change your conditionings and your present

Born in the United States in the early 70s, this technique is widespread in English-speaking countries, for years now it has also been practiced in Italy.
A method now recognized worldwide that produces circular benefits through circular breathing.
Rebirthing (literally = rebirth) is a holistic technique whose purpose is psycho-physical well-being.
It is called birth science because it is based on the imprinting that everyone received at the moment of conception, gestation and birth, up to the “traumas” received and fixed in our cells and in our being within the first 8 years of life.
This imprinting, often negative and traumatic, repeats itself indefinitely manifesting itself in everyday life.
Circular and conscious breathing technique, uninterrupted and connected, relaxing and energizing, free and deep, which produces intense oxygenation to every cell in the body.
It determines extraordinary and surprising results that manifest themselves in a short time on the body and mind.
Change occurs because we work as conscious and unconscious disharmonies are transformed.
Breath penetrates deep into the cells, making clarity and solutions at all levels emerge on a conscious level, with respect to emotional blocks.
Rebirthing is an extraordinary adventure, a journey into the depth of one’s heart and in relationships with the world around us.
During this trip you will discover that you have the ability to attract to us, alone, the type of life we ​​had always wanted, it allows you to break those chains and bars that imprison the mental body of the critical mass.
In order for the technique to be effective, it requires several sessions and each session requires a variable time, even up to two hours.
The technique must be repeated with some sessions as each person has his / her own processing times.
The client lies down on his back and with the help of the rebirther performs a circular breathing.
Through oxygenation the body detoxifies and gets rid of stress and anxiety allowing the release of the traumas experienced

Features and Benefits
  • Circular and conscious breathing technique that makes us retrace our birth and our entry into the world
  • Our birth has conditioned our way of life by creating a model
  • Relive the negative experiences of the past positively and solve the blocks and traumas experienced
  • Overcome fears, anxieties, tensions and look at the world with new eyes reducing stress and anxiety
  • Emotional breakouts through oxygenation and detoxification of the body
  • Eliminates panic attacks and psychosomatic and food problems
  • Open up to a new and balanced relationship with yourself and with others
  • It is not for everyone because it is fast, but it is very strong. Not everyone is inclined to use tiring, albeit very effective, techniques
Contact Me


TELEPHONE: (+39) 335 7643812 (preferably Whatsapp)



    Dear friend looking for help, for better trasparency and considering the current law, I invite you to read the following points:
    Anna Maria Pinto, like the team of SpiritualHealers, are not doctors or naturopaths, mor claim to be.
    As recognized SpiritualHealers, they accomplish their tasks only through the energy, the force and intelligence of te Spirit.
    SpiritualHealing is not a medical practice, but rather a spiritual procedure.
    A SpiritualHealer makes no healing promises and makes no diagnosis.
    A SpiritualHealer does not recommend stopping medical treatments or treatments prescribed by medics.
    The client, deciding to be treated with any of the available treatments, fully agrees that the SpiritualHealer, in the exercise of his abilities, places hands on specific parts of the body.
    The client, who freely decides to be treated by a SpiritualHealer with any available holistic techniques, assumes full responsibility for his decision and therefore renounces any type of legal action against the person who performed the treatment and his collaborators.
    The client who confirm his assent to be treated, is fully aware of the type of help that a holistic SpiritualHealer can give.